Mr Parts.Pk is committed to providing you the best shopping experience, which is why we've put together some commonly asked questions to give you more information about Mr Parts.Pk and what we have to offer. Browse through the FAQ below to find answers to recurring questions.
Mr Parts.Pk ONLY offers authentic auto parts sourced carefully from reliable and trusted distributors. We have added country make of each product on its product page for your convenience and reference.
To place an order simply navigate through our Store and find your desired item. Select your side ( if applicable ) and click on the "Add to Bag/Cart" tab on the product page. Review your items in your cart at the top of the page and "Proceed to Checkout". Input your shipping and billing details and then click Order Now. If you are uncertain regarding the part fitment, kindly contact us.
We regularly add new products to our platform so we can fulfil any automotive demand. However, if you can not currently find what you are looking for kindly contact us so we can help source the product for you.
In case of an error during an order placement, including incorrect address details or products, contact Customer Service immediately. Once the order has been dispatched, the order cannot be cancelled or changed. Once the order has been dispatcged, Mr Parts bears no responsibility for incorrect details entered.
You can check the status of your order by logging in to your account to view your recent orders and tracking information. You may find the shipment tracking number within the order confirmation email you were sent.
You do not need an account to shop on Mr Parts.Pk. However, we highly encourage you to make one to receive exclusive offers, track your orders and have a hassle-free shopping experience.